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Standard designs

A library of top quality standard designs

The Box Builder´s team continually strives to ensure the library contains top quality designs.

FEFCO and ECMA codification

Modelmaker´s library is organized in accordance with the system used by the international organizations FEFCO (corrugated board) and ECMA (folding carton), so that you can find and select designs by referring to the most commonly used codes on the market.
In many cases, you won´t only find the original designs, but you´ll also be able to select from several variants in the library in order to obtain what you need.

Continual expansion of the library

The library currently contains over three hundred standard designs. Due to the design team´s ongoing extension and improvement work, the library is continually expanding at a rate of around 40 perfectly organized designs per month.

Construct your own library of standard designs

Modelmaker gives you the option of constructing your own library with the designs you create and the accessories you create. You can also create a favourites list to give you direct access to the standard designs in the library that you always want to have close at hand.

Changing the material during the design process

Cambio materialDuring a box´s design process, you can change the box´s material as often as you wish. If you select a different thickness of material, the system will automatically recalculate the dimensions affected by the change.
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