Library of standard designs
The Box Builder provides you with the most comprehensive and highest quality library of designs on the market. Furthermore, The Box Builder team is continually working to increase the range of the library.
Top quality designs
The Box Builder possesses a library of top quality standard designs. The design team continually strives to ensure that it contains the highest number of complete standard designs. These provide the basis that ensures that all of the boxes designed using The Box Builder are of top quality. You can customize these standard designs down to the finest detail.
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Customizable accessories
As well as standards designs, The Box Builder possesses a library of customizable accessories that can be added to the boxes being designed. For example, you can create the size and shape of window you wish and save it in your own library to add to your dsigns at a later stage.
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The Box Builder possesses a library of top quality standard designs. The design team continually strives to ensure that it constains the highest number of complete standard designs. These provide the basis that ensures that all of the boxes designed using The Box Builder are of top quality. You can customize these standard designs down to the finest detail.